Let’s chat

Got a question? Want to book a free discovery call?

Got a question?

Check out the FAQs and my services in case I already answered it. If not, please email info@pinyly.com, or click below if you’re ready!

Book Your Free Discovery Call

If you’re interested in 1:1 coaching, please fill in my application form so we can get on a free 30 minute discovery call!

For Corporate Clients

If you’re interested in working with me, please email info@pinyly.com with:

  • your organisation name

  • work sought (coaching or consulting or both) or help you need

  • format (group workshop, program, sessions, 1:1 coaching)

  • topic or idea

  • duration

  • audience

  • timing / dates

  • any other useful information you’d like me to know

For Collaborations / Guest speaking

If you’re interested in collaborating or would like me to be a guest speaker, please email info@pinyly.com with:

  • Your business / podcast / workshop / event name

  • topic or idea

  • audience

  • timing / dates

  • any other useful information you’d like me to know