Rollerskating Reflections

I used to rollerskate as a kid about 30 years ago. I loved being able to glide on my 4 wheels, and stayed diehard loyal, even when roller blades became a hit.

Last year, I was surprised and excited when I discovered that Cambodia had opened its first Roller Dome! And I began skating again. I signed up for adult skate classes and couldn’t wait. I thought it’d be cool, like Austin Powers in Gold Member crystal ball roller disco cool…

Turns out, it was roller “figure skating”. Yep, just like figure skating, minus the ice skates and… the ice. We learnt about form and technique, “lemons" (basic in and out moves), half jumps, “the Angel” (lifting one leg behind in the air whilst extending a hand in front and one above and gliding), reverse skating and the cross step. It wasn’t quite what I had in mind, but I learned to love it and we even had a professional coach!

But then Covid struck and all gyms closed in February 2021. Last week, they re-opened and I returned to the Roller Dome, some 8 months later.

When I got back in the rink, I felt shaky, unsure and nervous. It had been so long. I watched as this 7 year old boy with red flames protruding from his helmet zipped right by me, crashed into his friends, laughed and got back up again.

I was afraid to fall over and kept wobbling back and forth, trying to steady myself and put one foot in front of the other. And out there, skating with this boy and his friends, I had an epiphany.

As adults, we can be so afraid to fall. Scared of losing balance, of the pain and the impact and maybe, the embarassment too. But this boy was fearless. Undeterred, he fell over every 2 seconds and didn’t care. He was having too much fun.

And as I watched him, I laughed and I let go. I knew that yes, I’d be falling from a greater height but I had the whole armoury of knee pads, wrist and elbow guards. And so what if I fell? I’d just get back up, like that boy. And it was meant to be fun.

Just like that, my balance improved, I didn’t fall over in the next class and I felt more confident. Confident that it was ok to fall. And I’d simply get back up.

How about you? When was the last time you had the confidence to fall?


How strong is your scaffolding?


I still like peanut butter